- writing as collecting
- reading is writing
- the navel is the carrier bag
- if you’re only using the absolute you’re leaving out a lot of other perspectives
- where are things gathered from? what makes the gathering possible?
- who is to say what is needless (in terms of editing)? the text? how does the text work and what does it need ?
- Barthes - regards Text as a constant ‘weaving’ process - the text is a tissue, a woven fabric, the reader is the fabricator (in terms of imagination, the reader fabricates/imagines what it is weaving)
- Life = society
- voice = individual/group
- body = nature
- the space WHERE the carrier bag is = storytelling around the fire is different from stories gathered in a book.
- how do you write about non-language?
- Zong - M NaurbeSe Philip = a narrative that she doesn’t want/can’t tell- story can only be told by not telling. see artists references.
- form is shaped by text itself.
- Tender buttons - Gertrude Stein (the things that are NOT there in the text are just as important). see artists references.
-Tyranny of reality
- what is left out/not written= negative space
- writing with doubt: making the reader doubt vs inviting the reader to doubt with me.
- storytelling for earthly survival - doc about donna haraway
- zong - book about narrative setup (maybe useful for ‘silk cotton tree’ artist book?)
THESIS WRITING - doesn’t necessarily need to explain the work, the work is doing it. have a narrative that relates to the work, associative and relational. (obs! but that’s still too broad!)