PRODUCTION-process- research
- Research/background reading and notes from One place after another, Miwon Kwon and Michel Cerceau - introduction to history of Art in Public Space. - Notes from seminar with BYLAB, Mari Fredriksen Sundet and Per Gunnar Tverrbakk.- see full transcript here
- place= order in accord with which elements are distributed in relationships of co-existence. Instantaneous configuration of positions. Indication of stability.
- space= composed of intersections of mobile elements. A practiced space.
Eg: the streets defined by urban planning is transformed into a space by walkers.
- Mierle laderman Ukele - critique of the institutional frame - 1973 series of ‘maintenace art’ performance: washed and scrubbed the museum floors and entry plaza for 8hrs to force the menial domestic tasks usually associated w women to the level of æsthetic contemplation and then revealed the extent to which the museum’s pristine self-presentation, its immaculate white spaces as emblematic of its ‘neutrality’, is structurally dependent on the hidden and devalued labour of daily maintenance and upkeep.
- økern according to BYLAB
- Social infrastructure and living standards are low in some areas
- Need for infrastructure now, meeting places, sports, activities.
- Issues with noise and pollution
- Protests for lack of social infrastructure, small housing- establish arena for discussion to address problems.
- Investment art budget is allocated only to public buildings, private investors don’t have to allocate a budget for art (art isnt a ‘necessary’ part enough for investment in art)
- Art they produce isn’t necessarily involved with where its going to, they want to do more types of art, and do more projects that are site-specific.
- Art work never cures areas in transformation
- Art work acts as a room for context
- How can art contribute to the development of the city
- Publicly available space isnt the same as publicly owned
- Where will people be spending time in public space
- An art audience in the ordinary sense of the world hardly exists. Art is not for just art people but for everyone. Has advantages and disadvantages.
- Institutions give works of art duration, it lasts longer (even though theyre old-fashioned and slow)
- Art in public space create commitments and strong emotions, which galleries try to emulate and create. Art enters a domai that people have a strong feeling about.
- Art as a means of inclusion but the other side is exclusion.
- New genre public art. Suzanne lacy.