_ TESTING THE TEST PIECE FLAG- The testpiece flag was subjected to one week of exterior weather, between the 18.09 until and including the 29.11.
- slight discoloration on the ones where the print paste was with iron sulphate (tannin pre-mordanted or not), the ones with only alum print paste faired more poorly (onw of them, not pre-mordanted with tannin was almost invisible by the end of the 2,5 months trial period.
- climate on Nesodden has varied between rain, lots of wind, lots of rain, slow, frost, full sunlight (albeit autumn/almost winter sunlight)
STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS , stemming from Per Gunnar’s presentation :
- I decided to include them in the art project. Them is the people of Økern, which I identified as the organised communities that currently exist in Økern: in the form of institutions (schools/senior home, etc..), grassroot structures (Selvbyggeren, Kloden, etc...), sports clubs (Hasle-Løren IL), other clubs (ØkernogLøren fb group),etc...
- I want to create this art project together with them, as a way to reclaim ownership, based on the frustrations I have heard through the presentations but also newspaper articles I have read, and few talks with people who live there.
- Organised group because it is easier to create something together when there’s already a structure set by the community. I would love to stand on the side of the road and ask people to make a flag but I find it hard to believe it will happen as it takes time. Maybe if I have a stand at an organised community event (like the folkefest on the 2nd sept 23). but that’s still organised innit...
I suppose a bit of both me and them? I heard the frustrations through the presentations/newspaper articles/contacts and wanted to focus on that. In turn, they could decide what social issue they want to address in the individual flag they will be making ?
Does the community pre-exist the art project, or is it produced by it?
Again, maybe both? There’s definitely been a community before the art project but maybe a new community of Økern flag-owners will appear? owner in the sense that they will keep the flag that they make once it has been ‘exhibited’, but also owners in the sense of the space on which their flag was a part of.
Who speaks for the community ?
The people speak for the community.
-Based on mutual ønsker? I think. If I, as the artist, have got the permissions and the technical knowledge for printing on the flag/drawing on the flag then surely they need me as much as I need them? but it was my idea originally kind of, I’m just proposing the idea and want us to do it together, with their thoughts and experiences. What is the nature of that collaboration?
- to practice workshopping
- to get an idea of time and how the workshop would actually proceed