Bodies of water - Seminar- 19.10
- Using quotes and theories- Astrida, she defines based on these theories and takes it further, makes a framework and then takes it further. -quite personal way of writing, (add in my stories heard all around into my writing?)
- relations/connections but also separation and differentiation
- ‘a feminist posthumanism is a deeply ethical orientation. The kinds of ontologies it inaugurates - connected, indebted, dispersed, relational - are not only about connecting a phallogocentric understanding of bodies, but also about developing imaginaries that might allow us to to relate differently’ p 11.
- phallogocentric: Coined by the French theorist Jacques Derrida to describe a male-centred point of view expressed in and through language. (oxford reference- dictionary of gender studies).The privileging of the masculine (the phallus) in understanding meaning or social relations.
- Co-worlding is always a collaborative process.
- process philosophy= a process in working towards making something new, there’s an emergence. emergence is also agency.
-What are the collaborative processes in my work? how does it work? who and what is it?
- Is bodies of water a useful framework to discuss/define/think public space or space (in your work, research or artworks that you find interesting). if so how?
- underwater bodies - grenadian artist Jason deCaires Taylor
- that artist from Brittany who collects sea-related objects, plants, stuff and makes installations Laurence Nicola
- that guy with jacquard and planktons (?) Jeremy Gobe
My practice = space building and narrative. the meeting place between stories is my framework. (thanks @Belén)
- Political vs apolitical (ignorance as a choice, is it apolitical? )
- it constructs/asks the questions to have a common ground to see as may perspectives as possible/to see the bigger picture, in order to have the discussions to define public space and space.