MASTER PROJECT SPRING 1- tutor meetings
TUTOR MEETING 3 - 15.05.24- make sure my position is in the presentation
- define tree-time, and all the terms I use in the presentation
- ethics of the project - non domination, not dominating - what are they? explain my ethics and my methodology.
- use definition of tree-time to make my position clear (be clear of my position using the definition of tree-time: in my research I mean this as tree-time)
-what happens to us when we are in the awareness of the more than human. MAKE THAT CLEAR
- a way to gather all the information
- can it be used to develop the story, a scrapbook, as a way to organise the material to make the story
- not only a way to present the project but to show the process of story writing and collection of material
- instead of only thinking about how it would look- that doesn’t matter so much since it’s more about the process of making it in order to get a story.
- the book has the function to help me sift through that material (fits with the craft part of the project)
- use the book as a way to support the text, as back up. back up with images. if people/sensors have access to the book in advance, they’ll understand the story better (?)
- think of what needs to be communicated and what needs to back up the story
- characters of the story: can also be a process, explaining the references
- you never know what people want to get out of a workshop (maybe they want a bottle of ink instead of a book)
- for future of the project: stick to the tree narrative- it can become more general if it moves on to other more-than-humans . Always go back to why I chose the tree as a time bearer.
- READ GODDAMMIT : autobiography of RED (audible, nice voice)
- gospel of the eels
- rachel carson - the sea around us (audible, nice voice)
- silent sprint
- the spell of the sensuous (DAVID ABRAM!!)
- from Losæter workshops to think of and carry into year 2: more-than-human way of thinking (whatever that is) is a way to question the colonization of institutions. the role of institution is to contextualise the craft and can help the craft and communities of craft (how). how is a specific knowledge relevant for institutions. power dynamics as craft person to be asked this by institution.