- Are these stories about the guardian of the forest still alive? Think Avatar, Princess Mononoke, etc..
- Lav = uavklart klassifisering, in this day and age where we have to classify everything, it’s a hybrid. It grows in specific places, like these myths. WHAT PLACES EXACTLY?
- - myths existed as a way to fortolke/håndtere, hjelper oss til å tenke på noe/at vi blir konfrontert, tenk over ting som er viktig å tenke på i fortiden. WHAT DO WE USE TODAY TO DO THIS?
Spreading the participatory book
- Find stories from other countries
- Send email
- Send directly to people
- Google survey
Ethics!!! How much should I control the editing, there could be difficult, ethical, political dilemnas in the writing
- Plan to sample stories
- Think of where the lav is in all of this
- Duality of myths, hvordan forholder vi til disse guardians
- Duality of lav (ex lav that grows in polluted areas)
- Invitere folk for middag - historieforteller sessions - ta opp/fortelle de historieneGalleri ROM - låne lokal for storytelling?
- Write light tilgjengelig tekst
Livet i lav kan være en forklaringsmetode av prosjektet: lav-gudden hvordan skal han se ut?
-can these stories fremmføres på en annen måte?
-storytelling is a social thing, can the sculpture be a samlingspunkt? To talk about lav/luftkvalitet/forurensning?
- lav, are they the real guardians of the forest? Hva skjer da? Hva er det?
-How much am I leading the samtale: theme about lav? About a story that came up?
Strict structure in collecting the stories? People have 5 mins to tell a story? How much do I respect what they said? How much editing?
See Full notes transcript