- exploring the ‘guardian of the forest’ character in folk stories
- sculpture of a guardian of the forest silhouetted on a wall, made from moss/lav
- sounds of the different ways we (humans) have in our various cultures to open and close a story (Martinique creole ‘Yekrik!Yekrak!’, Trinidad&Tobago ‘crick crack monkey break he back’, western/european ‘once upon a time’, etc...) . these sounds are somehow included in the sculpture, interactive sculpture?
- lav connotation: some species of lav are a good measurer of clean air. are they the original guardian of the forest?
- what is forest even? urban forest vs natural forest? re-writing these folk stories in an urban setting? in a modern setting? what is a guardian of the forest in an urban setting?
- the sculpture is hung on ropes/strings that, with the right light, project a picture of the guardian of the forest on the wall behind. these ropes/strings stretch upwards from an open book/accordeon book?
- participatory book: leading up to the ‘exhibition’ in december, people can write in a book to add their own versions of the guardian of the forest character? then they get a copy of the ‘book’ at the exhibition? OR people participate in drawing/describing their version of the guardian of the forest?
- the participatory book and the ‘sculpture book’ (the book the sculpture comes out from) is somehow connected ?
- sculpture of a guardian of the forest silhouetted on a wall, made from moss/lav
- sounds of the different ways we (humans) have in our various cultures to open and close a story (Martinique creole ‘Yekrik!Yekrak!’, Trinidad&Tobago ‘crick crack monkey break he back’, western/european ‘once upon a time’, etc...) . these sounds are somehow included in the sculpture, interactive sculpture?
- lav connotation: some species of lav are a good measurer of clean air. are they the original guardian of the forest?
- what is forest even? urban forest vs natural forest? re-writing these folk stories in an urban setting? in a modern setting? what is a guardian of the forest in an urban setting?
- the sculpture is hung on ropes/strings that, with the right light, project a picture of the guardian of the forest on the wall behind. these ropes/strings stretch upwards from an open book/accordeon book?
- participatory book: leading up to the ‘exhibition’ in december, people can write in a book to add their own versions of the guardian of the forest character? then they get a copy of the ‘book’ at the exhibition? OR people participate in drawing/describing their version of the guardian of the forest?
- the participatory book and the ‘sculpture book’ (the book the sculpture comes out from) is somehow connected ?
- merge master project autumn module and communication module (artist book)?
- the artist book is holding up the guardian of the forest sculpture ?
- the artist book is the accordeon book from which fibres are pulled and hung above the book, with the individual sculpture pieces on one individual fibre?
- the artist book is holding up the guardian of the forest sculpture ?
- the artist book is the accordeon book from which fibres are pulled and hung above the book, with the individual sculpture pieces on one individual fibre?