COMMUNICATION- workshops - Yuka Oyama

DAY 2-  13.02.24- see full notes transcript

summary of notes:
  • What kind of knowledge are you looking for and produce? I want to hear people’s stories of what they imagine their descendants would remember about them
  • While making something can you imagine how you will be perceived in the future, what will your descendants write about you? 
  • Do it like a discussion while doing the activity ? 
  • Weaving? With paper? Weaving a story? Wood carving? Or painting on a piece of wood? 
  • ROLE PLAYING: put yourself in the shoes of your descendants. (as in, draw out a pair of shoes on paper that you stand on when you make your speech)
  • OBS: use the words from the sentences (in this case ‘shoe’ from the expression is the object that people will make).
    • Decorate the crown
    • Decorate the glass
    • Draw out the food on a cardboard plate
    • Bring bunting
    • Draw yourself in a portrait
  • Do it as an actual set, prepare a real birthday party, do more things to remind of the party, things to help get into that role, 
  • Maybe make the participants choose the age of their descendants’ birthday party? It was difficult to get into the head of an older person when one isn’t old, when one doesn’t have children etc…. 

OWN REFLECTION ON THE PROJECT (stream of consciousness writing, for 5mins without stopping writing, if you don’t know what to write, write ‘i don’t know what to write’). answer the question: ‘What did I learn?’ 

I learnt that I should use my skillsets more (like the skills from scenography, setting up a scene, props, etc… stories). During the mini-workshop I did, I realised that I’m good at setting the scene, effectively and quickly, finding the flags, the table, the picture frame and it felt like dressing a set 5 mins before shooting but it didn’t feel as stressful because it a less stressful setting. 

I also learnt that communicating an idea through an object or making an object, having something tangible in your hand while thinking up a story, could also be… I lost my point now because I was interrupted. Right something tangible as a way to communicate an idea, that’s a simple and effective way to get people to understand what I want them to do, to be excited about my idea and want to participate

And now I’m trying to remember what else I learned on the course, some authors I want to check out like the sophie woodward book about material method