Inspirational quotes from Abakanowicz

Notes from Monday’s lecture- Nasjonalbibliotekt- 21.09.23
- ‘I sense the space of exhibition halls as a full vacuum w a given shape. I build different objects so to achieve the highest scale of tensions b/w themselves, and between them and emptiness, and light’. 3D /sculpturalness of her pieces.

- ‘rope is to me the condensation of the problem of thread, the thread composed of many fibres, the number of which nobody tried to establish’. good point, why do we need to know? explore this further?

- ‘transported from one place to another, it (rope) grows old’. notion of time.

- ‘arranged space could become a self-governing object of art- close to music- which one could sense when moving inside, and when registering feelings in given time intervals’. time again, is this important to me? 

- ‘it (rope) carries its own stories within itself, it contributes to its surroundings’. stories contribute to one’s environment, make an impact in shaping it, and the knowledge of said environment (situated knowledge?). 

- ‘I sense its (rope) strength which is carried by all twined elements, such as a tree, human hand, birds, wings- all built of countless, cooperative parts’. EXACTLY! notion of connectivity, how there are connections between everything. 

- ‘... the movements of my hands correspond to the natural rythm of my body, to my breath... the growth and the establishment of my form is slow, just as biologial processes. All the time they (biological processes?) are controlled by the imagination which the hands convey to reality with all the effort and awkward movements of a living creature.’ about movement/rythm and craft (link to waulking songs).

- ‘It is good to know one’s own rythm, the limits which it determines of perception and response to stimuli’. link to seeing different perspectives through the connectivity between things? 

- ‘The fibre, which I use in my work, derives from plants and is similar to that from which we ourselves are composed’.

- ‘Each form is a set of meanings... nothing should be translated into concrete terms, or reduced to a single place of reference. This would result in the annhilation of form’. link to connectivity, seeing things from as many perspectives as possible (Donna Haraway ‘situated knowledge’) in order to make a more informed decision/get a more informed understanding of something.  

- ‘I like neither rules nor instructions... I make use of my own ideas. My art has always been a protest against what I have met with, in weaving. I use rope, horse hair, metal and fur because I needed these materials to give my vision expression. It mattered little that they were part of the tradition in this field’.

ABAKANOWICZ - notes from ‘the art of fibre’
- my own first encounters with the Abakans, woven sisal and rope : sparked a memory of story and rope. 
- my artist book explores the relationship between fibres/tetiles and storytelling through my own memories about fibre, passed on knowledge from my ancestors and footnote-like tidbits of information. 
- ‘’textile situations/environments into which the spectator is introduced and involved. He/she and the space are metamorphosed by his participation in the ‘object’ created.’’ p 78
- ‘’in her early work her direction tends to be metamorphic rather than mimetic’’ p 78 
- ‘’ she uses a vertical warp, without an open shed. Instead of a shuttle or a butterfly, she interlaces a grouped weft of linen and sisal yarns. After the interlacing, her fingers function as a sword to push the weft into the web of the cloth’’
- ‘she is intensely concerned with the identity and nature of the materials she uses - cords, horsehair, sisal- and the frank physicality of her forms, shapes and spaces. the composite effect of all these elements produces an acutely personal expression, rather like a volcanic eruption of organic energy’’



-ROLAND. BARTHES- 'Image Music Text' Essays, selected and translated by Stephen Heath, 'From Work to text', p 159  
    The plural of the Text depends [...] on what might be called the stereographic plurality of its weave of signifiers (etymologically, the text is a tissue, a woven fabric).

. -Puntambekar and Varadachari in their book Hand-Spinning and Hand-Weaving (1926).
Heirloom An object or property that is passed down to one's heirs. The expression indicates how valuable looms once were, since such equipment was worth bequeathing to the next generation.

Cut from the same cloth Have the same essential characteristics. The expression comes from the time when cloth was cut to order.

To be bonded To be held or secured. Bond was a Middle English varia tion on the word "band."

To cotton to To be attracted to; come s from the electrically charged cotton dust or lint in the air in weaving mills.

To needle To (metaphorically) poke at or prick someone, as one pric ks a cloth when sewing.

To tie up loose ends To complete all details of a given task. Comes from sailing ships; the ends of the ropes used in a ship's rigging had to be tightly bound so they would not fray.

Sutra Sanskrit word for ‘text’ or ‘sculpture’ comes from ‘sut’ or thread,  and the concept of stringing together.

spinning a yarn when we draw out words and put them together to tell a tale

put a spin on put a spin on  ideas and events, shaping them  as we would like  them to be.

to weave a spell

the web of life

social fabric :
 the relationships and connections we make with one another; making us all a part of the common thread of society as a whole

shuttling back and forth

the threads of time
an expression that  links textile strands and the linear mortal path.

umbilical cord

tricot de la resilience (Boris Cyrulnik):
permet de donner une image du processus de la reconstruction de soi.  Le tricot sera porteur d’une lacune ou d’un maillage particulier qui dévie la suite du maillot.




-ROLAND. BARTHES- 'Image Music Text' Essays, selected and translated by Stephen Heath, 'From Work to text', p 159  
    The plural of the Text depends [...] on what might be called the stereographic plurality of its weave of signifiers (etymologically, the text is a tissue, a woven fabric).

-Puntambekar and Varadachari in their book Hand-Spinning and Hand-Weaving (1926).

-SOPHOCLES, ‘the voice of the shuttle’, Philomela story

-PATRICIA KLINDIENST, ‘the voice of the shuttle is ours’