Collaboration with Cole + Mimmi - meeting 02.05
in relation to the Losæter ProjectCole
- altar: place where people can talk to ancestors
- pile of (collected) stuff
- a trail to lead people to the altar
- soil as tactile link to story and ancestors
- panel talk between Mimmi/COle/Liz that sensors can listen in to, everyone to think about temporality + nature’s cycles, have 4 questions wondering about each other’s work, either group the projects that are similar or put projects against each other to see the discussion
- book bakehouse - for additional event? discussion with everyone who comes?
- have smaller groups of people with like-minded projects, have a panel discussion as part of the festival
- also a place to speak
- embodying different layers
- a portal within a portal
- a place to speak to and with ancestors, to and with the people present now, to and with the descendants
- objects picking
- 15 min start when when people start picking things then walk around
- who is the public for our own work? of course depends on the project but do we have an idea of who we want to see our own work?
- who are we in our own art projects? what is our context
- where do our interests overlap? where do they separate? (rituals in the body movements when planting, conscious raising movement feminist methodologies, see lisa rosendahl lecture)
- should we write a ‘manifesto’ or something to remind us of our ideas/thoughts/I don’t know?