Lisa Rosendahl lecture - Presentation of works - 17.04

Alexandra Piric - monument to work
- whole labour history locked into their memories
- time and labour was the topic in every layer of the work 
- the role of work in contemporary socieites
- recurrent public ritual - to reflect the monuments’ current context
- choreography highlighted change
- performative monument
- rituals in the body movements when planting - latent somatic memories (TREE_TIME PROJECT + COLLAB COLE AND MIMMI)
- see project ‘extracts from a future history’ (2017) - Sweden’s KORO- indsutrial socieyt in transition, change from industrial society to post-industrial society. 
- curator-artist relationship: uncovering the practice + assimilitating how to disseminate
- curator-group project: different relationship 
Diamond people - documentary film accompagnied by discussion Sara Jordeno
- communities in former factory towns
-she (artist) had a clear connection to the community- can be good or bad, a lot of responsibility to artist, emotional investment but also a lot of trust since artist knew the ocmmunity
- art to investigate and visualize the changes of labour work
- as curator: hands on logistics but also how is the film seen as an artwork as opposed to just another documentary film (eg: how and where it was screened)
- artist grew up (?) with feminist methodologies of conscious raising movement: through collective reflections + group conversations.
artist had conversations with artists, invited guests, someone from the film + the audience (guest could be academics, union representatives + labour activists)
- permanent vs temporary - porous definitions: using performance and film is temporary but can be ongoing due to them being repeatable (creates an active relationship to the past to be continually re-evaluated, continuously being aware of the changing context.)
-DISCUSSING AND TRANSFORMING SOCIETY WITH THE HELP OF THE PAST (what has happened, what is happening at the moment, what can we do about the future)