‘Intro to artistic research’- 22.01 -
Summary intro notes- see full transcript here
- Difference between publis space and public sphere (the participatory monument, Merete Røstad)
- Public in the sense of space, sphere, realm.
- Conversing with other artists and scholars and discussing in that framework.
- Your work documented by others? Like the Francis Alys example (‘faith moves mountains’)
- What does it mean When you are where you are?
- Individuals aren't part of a landscape?
- What would you do if you were asked to go to Antarctica and work with social community there?
- The meaning of art in public space will always change.
Public Space, Public Sphere, Public Realm- 22.01
Intro workshop summary notes- see full transcript here
- Habermas the public sphere 1964
- An institution between the private sphere and the state
- Place for discussion (mass media, tv, radio, pubs) for the public
- Democratic in theory
- Space of appearance
- Where interactions take place, mediation places
- A space that is not necessarily physical
- Defined based on your positionality, identity (public sphere and realm can be interchanged?)
- Public realm is interactions with and between people and more-than-humans so therefore it needs some form of control from state (due to plurality of human and more than humans) - hanna arendt
- Bio-politics: even if something happens in the private realm it can now be shared via social media into the public realm, so both realms are mixing and overlapping.
- A public space/site of action controlled by the state.
- Henri lefebvre (right to the city), hanna arendt,
- Enables social processes
- Everyday spaces
- Not highways?
- Pubs
- Is mediated by a set of rules
- The public space when we are engaging with it
- Space: composed of intersections of mobile elements. A practiced place.
- place= configuration of positions, an order in accord with which elements are distributed in relation to one another (Michel de Cerceau, the practice of every day life)
- So space is interaction, movement, action within a place
- Eg: the streets defined by urban planning are transformed into a space by walkers.
- Intersection between society and state (Habermas)
- Physical space?
- Allmannsrett- right to roam
- Representation of space?
- Occupation of space?
- as we talk we are also producing space = production of space