Collection of Thoughts as a result of a mini test-ritual of taking two pictures of the cherry tree in my garden once a day and spending 5 minutes sensing its surroundings -

see link to ‘collection of thoughts’ draft

This Collection of Thoughts was an exercise I gave myself to think more about ritual as method, for the research project I am currently working on. I challenged myself to a mini-ritual of taking two pictures of the cherry tree in the garden, and also spending 5 minutes sensing its surroundings, once a day. This ritual lasted three days. I learn and remember by re-doing, so in this case, it was while re-drawing these pictures that the thoughts came to mind and I wrote them down then and there. They are in effect, part of a whole. They function fine as separate paragraphs, but they also make more sense together.

More thoughts will probably be added to this collection.

On ritual as method, grounding, lichen growing on branches, bliss, thought buses and time passing

To become aware, repetition, forest of thoughts and memories, explanation

Tree-ritual, letter-writing, ritual festivals, narratives, time becoming meaningful

For remembering that site is also important, connecting to each other, gathering as power, forest library, set design

Five minutes to empty your brain, more grounding and sensing, solstices, ritual formulas open worlds, threshold, change

What is the grounding and the action and the time and the site of a collaborative reading group ritual?